Sunday, April 11, 2010


My first try at making pernil was a success! I brined it and it came out moist, succulent, crispy and not greasy at all.

1 5-6 lb fresh pork shoulder
1 c. kosher salt
5 dried bay leaves
2 tbls prepared garlic paste
1 tbls black pepper corns
3 tbls dried oregano
3 tbls dried thyme
4 c. water

4 tbls olive oil
1 heavy pinch kosher salt

Boil salt, bay, garlic, pepper, oregano, and thyme in water until salt is dissolved and fragrant. Place pork shoulder in a pot large enough to submerge it. Add enough cold water to the pot so it's about 3/4 full. Add some ice to the boiled mixture to cool it. Add the entire mixture to the large pot. Brine in the refrigerator over night or few days.

On the day of cooking, dry the meat with paper towels and let it come to room temperature. Preheat oven to 400 for 30 minutes. Brush skin with olive oil. Place in roasting pan, fat side up, using a baking rack or coiled up aluminum foil to keep the bottom of the roast out of the grease. Sprinkle skin with kosher salt. Bake at for one hour. Lower heat to 300 and cook until the temperature reaches 150 according to a meat thermometer. Raise the temperature back to 400 and finish roasting for 45 minutes.

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